You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.3. Inventory - Purchase Order Creation > Managing Completed Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Creation - File - Delete > Deleting Ventyx Purchase Orders (v2.8) > Deleting Purchase Orders for Integrated Suppliers (v2.8)
Deleting Purchase Orders for Integrated Suppliers (v2.8)

Use this option to cancel a purchase order for a supplier with a Ventyx Interface Type of Integrated on the Supplier Update screen - Formats tab (refer to "File - Supplier - Formats").


Technical Tip

What happens when a Micronet user cancels a purchase order for an Integrated supplier also depends on whether the Registry / profile setting that enables the XML cancellation process is set to on (for more information, refer to "Settings"). When this setting is enabled and you delete a Ventyx purchase order in Micronet that has already been sent to a supplier, you cannot complete the cancellation process until a Cancellation Accepted order response is received back from the supplier.

To delete a purchase order for a Ventyx Integrated supplier:

  1. Recall the purchase order you want to delete.

Refer to "Recalling a Purchase Order".

  1. Select FILE | DELETE.

Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to delete the purchase order.

  1. If you are certain you want to delete the order, select Yes.

Micronet displays the following message:

  1. Select Yes to send a cancellation request to the supplier.

If the Registry / profile setting that enables the XML cancellation process is set to on, the purchase order is placed on hold so the purchase order is not considered active in supply chain calculations. The B2B Status of the purchase order is set to Cancellation Sent - No Response

When the supplier receives the cancellation request in their ERP system, they can either accept or reject the request. If the cancellation request is accepted, an email acknowledgement is sent to the Micronet user and the purchase order B2B Status is updated to Cancellation Accepted.

When you receive the email acknowledgement from the supplier:

  1. Recall the held purchase order

Refer to "Purchase Order Creation - File - Load Held Order".

  1. Select FILE | DELETE.

Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to delete the purchase order.

  1. If you are certain you want to delete the order, select Yes.

Micronet deletes the purchase order and redisplays the Purchase Order Creation - Detail screen.